When did AHT go public (IPO)? What was the opening price?
AHT’s initial public offering was priced on August 26, 2003, and we began trading on the NYSE at $9.00 per share.
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Where is Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc.'s common stock listed?
Our common stock is listed on NYSE under the symbol
For more detailed stock information, please visit our
Stock Information page.
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Does Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc. pay a Dividend?
To see a list of our historical dividends, please visit our
Dividends page.
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How can I request additional information from Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc.?
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How can I receive Email alerts from Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc.?
To sign up for Email alerts on our Events, Documents, Press Releases and closing stock price information click here to visit our
Email Notification page.
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Who are the members of the company’s senior management team?
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Where is the company's corporate headquarters?
AHT is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
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Can I listen to an archive of your last earnings conference call?
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When is the company's annual meeting of stockholders?
Click here for information on the company’s annual meeting of Stockholders.
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What is AHT’s CUSIP number for its Common Stock?
Our CUSIP number is 044103.
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How can I buy shares of AHT stock?
You can purchase shares of AHT stock through any licensed brokerage firm.
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Can I purchase AHT stock directly from the company?
No, AHT does not have a direct stock purchase plan. AHT’s stock must be purchased through a licensed brokerage firm.
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Does AHT have a dividend reinvestment program?
No, AHT does not have a dividend reinvestment program at this time.
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What are AHT’s corporate governance policies?
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How can I see a copy of AHT’s latest annual report?
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When does AHT’s fiscal year end?
The Company’s fiscal year end is December 31.
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What is FFO?
FFO, or funds from operations, is a supplemental performance measurement that has been adopted by NAREIT as an industry-wide measure of REIT operating performance. NAREIT and its member companies believe that real estate values have historically risen and fallen with market conditions, and therefore, that historical cost accounting for real estate companies may be misleading. FFO addresses this industry problem by excluding historical cost depreciation from the calculation of net income. FFO is not a financial measure that is calculated in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). FFO should not be considered as an alternative measure of net income (loss), operating performance or liquity as calculated in accordance with GAAP.
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What is RevPAR?
RevPAR, which is a widely used statistic by lodging REITs, stands for revenue per available room.
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